What is Vickery House of Prayer?

A Place or a People?

VHOP is both a place for people to be with God and a people pursuing God for a place. It’s a house of prayer for the nations that He has assembled and a place for people in Vickery Meadow to be with God, as well as a family of living stones who build their lives around the presence of God together in Vickery and for Vickery.

Who are we?

Although all are welcome to participate, VHOP primarily consists of a people, some of whom are refugees and some of whom are not, whose lives apart from VHOP collectively account for a diverse menagerie of ministries to refugees in Vickery. (This includes both service as leaders, members, or volunteers with many of the organizations engaging Vickery, AS WELL AS a substantial amount of service that, whether spontaneous or highly organized, is ultimately not led by or affiliated with any official organization.)

Since praying together not only connects the various representatives of these distinct groups but is also a good way for people interested in getting more involved in Vickery to develop relational connections with people currently serving out here, it is important to be clear that any connections between VHOP and the various ministries that the people of VHOP participate in are not official or organizational, but simply relational.

Our Story

The foundations of VHOP started being laid on the last day of 2012 when a group of friends met up in Vickery at Jennifer Sutton’s apartment to pray in the New Year together. These friends would continue to meet to pray for Vickery together every Thursday night for the next several years. These meetings, simply referred to as “Vickery Prayer", were started and led by Kyler Davis and Danny Domingo and took place in various apartments.

This group continued to grow over the next 3 years and eventually multiplied into community groups connected to several churches including Antioch, The Village, Fellowship, Northwest Bible, and others. One of the churches represented by these community groups was Christ City Church.

Then in July of 2020, Kyler, who was a member of Christ City, felt like the Lord was giving him the green light to pursue Him for a “House of Prayer” in Vickery. Not knowing what exactly that meant or if it would ever happen, Kyler did know to take this call seriously and spent the next 3 months fasting from breakfast and lunch to pray for a House of Prayer in Vickery. Very quickly into this fast, it became clear to Kyler that God was doing something new in Vickery; at least something he hadn’t seen in the past 10 years he’d lived there. Kyler transitioned to full-time ministry at the start of 2021, coming on staff at Christ City Church which has been and continues to be a key partner in bringing the Vision of VHOP to a reality. Other key partners have been Love is Ministry, led by Danny Domingo of Northwest Bible, and the Vickery Herrera Center, led by Amin Calvo of PCBC, who allowed VHOP to use their spaces for Adoration nights free of charge.

On August 8th, 2022, almost exactly 2 years after Kyler began to fast and pray for a house of prayer in Vickery, the Lord blessed VHOP with a physical property of its own which is simply referred to as, “The Prayer House”.

The only way to know the rest of the story is to enter it yourself. Follow the Spirit, and if He leads you here, just know we’ll be grateful to get to meet you and pray with you sometime. All are welcome.