The world was made partly that there would be prayer; partly that our prayers might be answered.

- C.S. Lewis

Our Purpose

Out of our shared love for Jesus, for one another, and for the people of Vickery Meadow, VHOP aims to help people in Vickery make time and space to connect with God, together.

The following are our primary objectives:

  1. To bless God’s heart by offering Him (the pleasing aroma of) our prayers and worship.

  2. To cultivate a “presence-driven culture” amongst all believers in Vickery, especially those living here for the purpose of laboring for His Kingdom.

  3. To deepen the unity of the Body of Christ through a mutual crowning of Jesus as Head over and above all of our hopes and ideas for ministry.

  4. To provide a spiritual covering for those working here to love their neighbors and be ambassadors of His Kingdom.

  5. To intercede for His Kingdom’s coming in Vickery and Christ’s formation in us.

  6. To serve as a prophetic witness to the WORTH of Jesus to the nations God has assembled in Vickery.